Appointment of a normalisation committee in Ghana

Following the recent meeting between FIFA and Government of Ghana officials together with the head of the FIFA/CAF liaison team for the Ghana Football Association (GFA) concerning the situation of the GFA, and taking into consideration the subsequent withdrawal by Ghana authorities of the petition to liquidate the GFA, the Bureau of the FIFA Council decided on 27 August 2018 to appoint a normalisation committee for the GFA. The suspension of the GFA will consequently not take effect.
The normalisation committee’s mandate will include the following tasks:
- To run the GFA’s daily affairs and cooperate with the special task force once it has been set up by FIFA, CAF and the Government of Ghana;
- To review the GFA statutes to ensure compliance with the requirements of FIFA and CAF, particularly art. 15 of the FIFA Statutes, and;
- Once the GFA statutes meet the requirements of FIFA and CAF, to organise and conduct elections of a GFA executive committee on the basis of the revised GFA statutes.
The normalisation committee shall be composed of an adequate number of members to be identified by a joint FIFA/CAF mission to be deployed to Ghana as soon as possible. All members of the normalisation committee must pass an eligibility check to be carried out by the FIFA Review Committee. The normalisation committee will act as an electoral committee and none of its members will be eligible for any of the open positions in the elections.
The specified period of time during which the normalisation committee shall perform its functions shall expire when all of the above-mentioned tasks have been properly fulfilled, but by no later than 31 March 2019.
Story by:FIFA

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